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hygiene concept

Instructions for our amena women's fitness studios

Zehntwiesenstraße 33, 76275 Ettlingen regarding hygiene/distance

to avoid corona infections.

Due to the conditions imposed in connection with COVID-19, a lot will change for you when visiting the studio. In order to enable you to train safely and to meet the legal requirements, we also ask you to observe the following points:

We are subject to a documentation obligation. Therefore, your contact details and the usage times of our studio will be secured for at least 21 days .



  • The number of entrances to the studio is limited and regulated in such a way that no more customers can enter our studio than the regulations permitted at the time of the crime.

  • Our members come to the studio alone at the agreed times, children are not allowed.

  • Members' Commitment: Knowledge and understanding of the regulations that must be followed when using the facility; knowledge of the risks of use and one's own role with regard to risk minimization; Statement that there are no symptoms or feeling unwell; Declaration that there was no contact with a person who tested positive.

  • This also applies to our employees

Instructions/information on behavior (posters, website, newsletter,...)

  • No use of our studio if you have symptoms or a general feeling of illness.

  • Reference to at least 1.5 meters distance on the training area, also outdoors, in the parking lot etc.

  • Hand disinfection - Customers must wash and disinfect their hands when entering the gym.

  • No greeting by shaking hands.

  • Instructions for correct hand hygiene at the wash basin (Federal Center for Health Education [BZgA], n.d.). -Notes for customers on behavior during training.

  • Please disinfect all equipment after use and always use a large towel as a base. Bring your own towel if possible.

  • Observing the cough and sneeze etiquette.

  • Unless there are medical reasons to the contrary, employees must wear a mouth and nose cover in all rooms. Insofar as this is necessary to carry out their work, trainers and course instructors can refrain from wearing a mouth and nose cover while observing the distance rules (wearing a mouth and nose cover by customers depending on the valid regulation).

  • Changing rooms are exclusively for the safekeeping of customers' private belongings; distance regulations must also be observed there.

employees (training)

  • Employees must wear a mouth and nose cover in all rooms (observe the applicable regulations!).

  • Before reopening, comprehensive training of the employees to ensure that they are familiar with all measures.

  • Clear instructions, especially for customers with symptoms and customers who violate regulations.

  • Training in dealing with customers (conflict management/de-escalation).

  • Clear division of duties (fixed shifts, break regulations).

  • Retaining rosters for contact tracing.

  • Provision of protective equipment (masks and disinfectants) by employers.

Possibility of closing areas

  • Changing rooms/showers: closure or contact reduction (IMPORTANT: Note to our customers) (observe the applicable regulations!).

  • Drinks, bring your own drinks.

Measures to reduce the risk of infection when training resumes - group fitness area

  • Courses may only be offered if the fresh air supply is guaranteed or the air purifier is active - the course schedule may have to be adjusted in terms of times and offer.

  • The practice of sports with unavoidable physical contact is not permitted. Any high-intensity endurance training (indoor cycling, HIIT and anaerobic threshold training) is also not permitted due to the aerosol exposure.

  • Low-intensity courses can be offered, e.g. B. back fitness, spinal exercises, stomach, legs and buttocks, Pilates, gentle yoga, stretching, etc.

  • The course room must be ventilated both during the breaks and at least once during the course.

  • For courses, access to the course room must be regulated in such a way that there is a minimum distance of two meters in all directions for each customer.

  • The maximum number of participants per course is limited: Ten square meters must be available for each participant.

  • The training area, ten square meters per participant, is marked on the course room floor with adhesive tape.

  • You may not leave the marked area for the duration of the course.

  • The trainer's radius of action is visibly limited by adhesive tape on the floor.

  • Music volume should be limited to avoid loud talking/yelling.

  • No tactile assistance.

  • Equipment - Sports equipment such as Thera-Bands©, mats etc., whose contact surfaces are difficult to disinfect, may not be made available to customers. Participants must bring their own training mats.

  • Each participant must bring a large (sauna/bath) towel to the training session.

  • When using small devices, these must be disinfected by the staff after use.

  • After the end of the course, there must be no gathering of members, ie the participants are required to leave the studio/area quickly. This is monitored by the staff.

  • After each course, the course room must be cleaned.

  • Disinfectants and paper towels must be provided in front of and in the course room.


  • Obligation of the customers to disinfect the training equipment after each use (all contact surfaces!).

  • Regular disinfection of the devices (handles, seats, etc.) by staff (document!)

  • Notice on the correct use of disinfectants.

cleaning supplies

  • Hand disinfectants, liquid soap and disposable towels are available in sanitary rooms. Sanitary rooms are to be cleaned at short intervals (at least twice a day).

  • Disinfectant dispensers for hands and surfaces at the entrance AND on the training area.

  • Waste must be removed safely and at short intervals (at least twice a day).

  • The employees are instructed in the aforementioned protective measures and rules of conduct (including general rules of infection protection such as sneeze etiquette, etc.). Customers are informed about the rules to be observed by signs, notices, etc. (also a declaration of commitment).

Structural measures

  • Ensuring adequate ventilation, ventilate and air purifiers.

  • With our ventilation and air conditioning system FRIDA Luft, care must be taken to ensure that the filters are correctly maintained and that they are regularly ventilated with fresh air.

Last update on 04/23/2021



1) Mouth guard / precaution

This is mandatory for the entrance area and if the minimum distance cannot be maintained. This can only be removed during physical activity.

If you show symptoms of a cold or have had direct contact with someone suffering from COVID-19, access is not possible or only possible after the end of the quarantine.

2) disinfection

Please disinfect your hands in the entrance area first. Before you start your training, please wash your hands with soap. After using a device, the handles or operating elements, seats etc. must be disinfected with the means provided.

3) walkways

Please only enter our studio individually. Please use the entrance to the training area via the hallway. After your training, please use the newly created exit to the changing room.

3a) Distance regulation  

The distance regulation of at least 1.5 m must be observed. Locked-off areas or in the changing room may not be used. Please be considerate of others.

4) Sportswear

The changing rooms and a shower can be used again. The distance regulation must be observed. Please spread yourself out as widely as possible in the room. Cordoned off areas may not be used. Please reduce the use of the changing room to a minimum. Shaving, coloring hair or similar is not permitted.  

5) Access control

We are obliged to limit the maximum number of course participants. In order to avoid queues, a reservation in advance by telephone or via our homepage is necessary. If a reservation is not made, training is only possible if there is free capacity!

6) Check in

When entering the studio, please check in with your membership number (card). We are obliged to document the training participants. All course participants must also be checked by the course instructor for their registration.

7) Equipment

Please disinfect all equipment after use and always use a large towel as a base. If possible, bring your own towel and yoga mat.

8) Length of Stay

Please limit attendance to the necessary training duration. In the course area, the participants are asked to leave the studio immediately after completion.

9) Special Course Rules

All courses last 45 minutes. A break of 15 minutes is provided between courses for disinfection and ventilation. The participants of the following course can only enter the room when the previous participants have completely left it.

10) drinks

Self-service is no longer possible. Beverages can only be dispensed by the staff in bottles or disposable cups. You can bring your own drinks.


If you have any questions, our team will be happy to help you!

                                                                                      Last update on 04/23/2021

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